MD/CEO New Arisen Concept inc Welcome Message

We are glad to have you with us, we welcome you with warmth and best wishes. The New Arisen Concept way is a family way. We are happy to have you as a member or a partner of our ever growing global family.

Our goal is to get you well informed and oriented in the ever changing world in terms of foreign education, sport and health care.

We have midwifed sporting activities like the promotion of table-tennis in Nigeria and West Africa sub-region.

We are currently with the production/publication of the first ever published encyclopaedia of who-is- who in the medical profession in Nigeria. We have advanced the cause of youths with our simple and impactful health safety and environment trainings.

Welcome once again to our home, enjoy browsing our rich and informative content.

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New Arisen Concept

A global organization established with the goal of national growth and community service. Our main target audience is the youth. We are well rooted in the community, promoting excellence in service and customer satisfaction.
The New Arisen Concept was incorporated as a registered company by the corporate affairs commission RC no 741128 on the 22/4/2008. This was borne out of the desire to carry out business operation legally.

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10 dan ngozi iyio drive



Flagging Off Ceremony

Flagging Off of the E-registration platform

The encyclopaedia (Who- is –who) in the medical profession in Nigeria. This platform is necessary to collect data from qualified doctors, who made their mark in their various area of specialization both home and abroad


Who Is Who In The Medical Profession In Nigeria


Born out of the desire to capture, document and record a detailed account of the achievements of Nigerian doctors worldwide both home and the Diaspora. The encyclopedia is a database of facts that point out excellence in the medical profession..

The achievement of our brave Nigerian doctors will no longer go unnoticed. These will serve as an inspiration and a guide to other upcoming giants in the the medical profession to emulate the footsteps of the seniors..

About West African Table Tennis Federation

The West Africa table-tennis foundation was incorporated by the CAC of Nigeria on the 16th march 2017. The founder, President/CEO is Dr Nkadi Okocha –Ejeko MBBS , Cert HSE , MSQHN , MNIM is currently the chairman , board of directors of the Aniocha South local government primary health care authority and chairman, forum of chairman, forum of chairman of local government primary health care authorities of delta state , Nigeria . He was a national table-tennis star and champion having played tables tennis in government college Ugeheli . st anthony’s college ubulu-uku 1968-1972 , Midwest state , Bendel state 1968-1972, played for Nigeria in 1970 at Nigeria international table –tennis opens 1910, 1971 , 1972 played for Nigeria in west African university games , world university games on 1975 , 1976 1977 common wealth games 1979 he was member , Bendel state table-tennis association 1987, delta state table tennis association 2012..